New video from the Theatre of Wrong Decisions

Over 1700 authors and journalists have been killed in the course of their duties since 1992. On 16th January 2019, the Ghanaian journalist  Ahmed Hussein-Suale was shot dead.

The initiators wish to draw your attention to the enormous risks which these professionals run in order to keep the world informed about abuse and social evils.  In a non-violent way they are engaged in a bitter struggle to get at the truth.  All over the world they do battle in various ways and in a diversity of cultures and situations. And all this because they are working for a better world.

We take our hats off in honour of their courage and professionality in times of trouble and unrest. With this digital monument, which will be published online four times a year, the associated organizations below pay a worthy tribute to these courageous authors and journalists worldwide.

CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists
PEN International 
Oxfam Novib 
Writers Unlimited 
Theatre of Wrong Decisions