MIRRORS by Donna Chittick / Backbone at Theater Kikker in Utrecht and on tour

15th January.

In the hip-hop dance performance Mirrors, the performers dance with the physical burdens of social media. The performance depicts the struggle between participating in social media and at the same time losing contact with the other and yourself.

Mirrors shows the chaos caused by the mountain of digital information that we receive every day. You need to be up to date. There is no longer any room for constructive criticism in this world without nuance. We take our online manners with us into the non-digital world. But what happens when we speak, see and touch each other face-to-face again? What is it like when the distance that the digital world creates between us becomes smaller and we need each other again?

“At one point I noticed how insecure I became from social media. Am I working hard enough? Am I lagging behind my peers? Both in the evening and in the morning I almost obsessively read the comments under posts. This became a fixed ritual. Not only mentally, but also physically it started to take its toll. I had to get out, unfollow, unplug. By detaching myself from it, I regained breath and peace. I found my balance again. The concept for Mirrors was born from this experience.”  choreographer Donna Chittick.