28th & 29th May. It’s time to meet again and to experience the rituals of dancing and masking differently in times of social distancing. Bogomir Doringer curated BODY (UN)MUTE on a newly build website with performance lectures, in-depth discussions and of course performances live streamed into your room. BODY (UN)MUTE is ICK’s first online event, so save the date: Thursday 28th & Friday 29th May
Last few months, our movements and ways of communicating have been impacted by a global crisis. Distances between our bodies in public and private spaces have been regulated by new measurements. Our freedom of movement is on hold. Dancing became possible only in private, and suddenly it has a different meaning and context. It introduced another form of visibility, “performing” for the web camera on our online meetings, dates and events. In the beginning, it felt weird and awkward, but we are adjusting to The New Measurement. Like ICK-dancers moving ‘around the world’ (video), now it is time to emancipate the online body and get a deeper understanding of the new realness. It is time to unmute the body.
Around the world, around the world, we’re going around the world.
The Artist
Virtual facemask pioneer and visual artist Jeremy Bailey will present his work and teach you how to alter your online presence by the use of a “digital mask”.
Dr. Kelina Gotman will explain in a talk about Choreomania that your manic crave for dancing is not just a thing of this lockdown time. After, she will engage in a dialogue with ICK dancer Edward Lloyd about the physical experience of dancing.
Choreographer Emio Greco will elaborate on the Pizzica, a dance from his native ground in Puglia that was danced to heal yourself from the bite of a poisonous spider. Glitch artist Rosa Menkman will show you what it means to move freely through screens. More performances are live streamed into your livingroom by Ana Nowak, and Keren Rosenberg.
With the team of Shanghai Community Radio, we will be discussing how creativity, music and online streaming kept the people of China connected during the lockdown. Their DJ’s will also provide music for the afterparty. Let’s dance alone together.