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Museum Rijswijk
Herenstraat 67
2282 BR Rijswijk
Tel: 070-3903617
Rijswijk is adjacent to, and effectively a suburb of, The Hague but has its own small-town charm. As well as a permanent collection the museum hosts many contemporary art shows and is famous for its Paper and Textile Biennales which take place in alternate years.
The collection of the Museum Rijswijk is divided into several collection areas and comprises more than 8,000 objects. For example, the museum has a large collection of paintings, prints and drawings of artists who lived or worked in the town from the 17th century – notably Rijswijk of Jacob van der Croos (approx. 1630 to 1683). There are also works by Paul Constantijn La Fargue, Jan Ten Compe and Johannes Bosboom.
The museum owns several thousands of photographs, from about 1860 to the present, which depict the development of Rijswijk from a small village to the big municipality which it is now.
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