This is a bizarre time. Suddenly we have ample time to reflect – on what we are doing – on how much we do – on how we work. Suddenly we have ample time to reflect on how everything is connected. Pause. A science fiction scenario becomes our reality. The invisible world of microbes controls us and suddenly the whole world is focussed on the same thing. So that ís possible after all.
Theatres, churches, temples and even Brexit are all side issues for a while. Everything that seemed essential and inevitable, has been wiped from the table in one clean sweep. This is very painful, but also a chance. A chance to ‘wake up’. When everything comes to a halt, suddenly there is a lot of space. I’m curious what the world will be like after this. Maybe we’ll have a BC (Before Corona) and an AC (After Corona).
We’ve also had to cancel a list of performances, like many others: the international tour of ROLE MODEL i.c.w. DOX, our new production with Sadler’s Wells London, Genevieve Murphy’s premiere at SPRING festival, and also 8: METAMORPHOSIS at Oerol is uncertain. This is a pain we carry together as sector. Here’s a big shout out to all the premieres and festivals that can’t take place. This is so very unfortunate. We will never forget 2020.
Quietly, in the background, we are working on restarting and on upcoming projects. Uncertain about when we can get back to it. But with good hopes that after this silence there will be a great longing for coming together. Nicole Beutler 27th March 2020