An appeal from Zaal 3 of the National Theater

New theatre talent is given a stage in The National Theatre’s Zaal 3 in The Hague – but we do need new audience seating. An auditorium that can last for years to come, is not so steep and offers space for more theatre lovers. This way, there will soon be more attention from the audience for all the talent that gets a chance here. Will you help?

We believe that theatre lives through new makers who tell stories you have not heard before. Every year a lot of new talent comes from the (drama) schools. And then find a place as a new theater maker on one of the established stages. A stage you need to build your audience, to be seen – to move on to national fame. Fortunately, there is Zaal 3!

Zaal 3 is the Hague laboratory where young makers have the opportunity to find their voice and rack up flying hours. Thanks to close contacts with all theater schools and art academies, Zaal 3 is able to scout talent and give them a kick-start for their future career. Zaal 3 has been a successful breeding ground for talent for ten years. Here you saw Steef de Jong, De Poezieboys, Koen Verheijden – at the start of their glorious careers.

Zaal 3 is work in progress! Not only the performances and the artistic process take shape there. The space itself is also built up piece by piece. The bare space where we started ten years ago now has an attractive foyer, a beautiful bar (with ditto wine and beer list) and a well-equipped kitchen. Zaal 3 works with small budgets – so we take it one project at a time. Now it is urgently time for the stands. Better seats, more places for more audiences, but also retractable so that the entire theater hall can be used super flexibly. And the grandstand will now be even more accessible for visitors with disabilities.

Cees Debets, theatre director: “The municipality of The Hague ensures that we can run a beautiful theater in Zaal 3; the VandenEnde Foundation helps us to give young makers a platform; but there are no resources for replacing a grandstand. We do not have a subsidy for that and that is why we need your help so badly.”  

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