Category: Museums

The 2018 PAPER BIENNALE at Museum Rijswijk

Paper is and always has been at the centre of our lives, now and in the past. Its fragility belies its capacity for survival of wars and flames when stone and metal have long been destroyed. It has outlasted papyrus and vellum. Fold it and it produces light and shade, coat it and it becomes hard . . .

ALL YOU CAN ART at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam

This summer the Kunsthal will host ‘All you can Art’. Every day all our visitors will have an opportunity to join the artists in making art according to the master-apprentice principle in the All you can Art 3 studios, exhibition and Summer School.

WAYNE THIEBAUD at the Museum Voorlinden in The Hague

The main source of Thiebaud’s inspiration, one might even say, salivating obsession, is food. Not good, healthy wholesome food but cakes, ice-cream and pre-MacDonalds American fast-food – the ubiquitous hot-dog. His breakthrough picture was the 1961 boldly painted still-life of triangular slices of pies

CLASSIC BEAUTIES at the Hermitage in Amsterdam

Hermitage Amsterdam offers a wonderful exhibition called CLASSIC BEAUTIES. ARTISTS, ITALY AND THE ESTHETIC IDEALS OF THE 18TH CENTURY. The exhibition shows 18th and 19th century art, inspired by finds from excavations in Italy during the same period. Though just one floor, there are over sixty works of art to admire and some are simply…