6th – 9th April.
Rewire is an annual international festival for adventurous music. Across four days Rewire will return to The Hague with its twelfth festival edition, bringing together a wide range of musical and interdisciplinary performances, specially commissioned works, club nights, installations, talks, screenings, and more.
“Much like Rewire as a whole, this is art that makes you feel alive.” – The Wire
“Je hoopt natuurlijk dat het avontuurlijke Rewire snel weer in fysieke vorm kan doorgaan, maar het moois dat dit jaar uit de pandemie-ellende is getoverd, zal ook niet snel worden vergeten.” – de Volkskrant
“Avant-gardefestival Rewire verrast met creatieve online editie” ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – NRC Handelsblad
“A lot of festivals call themselves progressive, adventurous or cross-disciplinary, but Rewire can legitimately claim it’s all of the above.” – Glamcult
“One of the very best European festivals for adventurous electronic music.” – DJBroadcast
“Entertainment is obviously key to Rewire, and these playful peaks were commendable, but the festival seeks to impart so much more. The festival also aims for inspiration, education and challenges, all of which were delivered in spades.” – Resident Advisor
“This festival has a predilection for artists who are autonomous on stage, artists who toy with expectation with shows that – deliberately or not – split the discussion down the middle of what live music could be.” – Drowned in Sound
“Rewire is uitgegroeid tot een van de meest toonaangevende festivals als het gaat om vooruitstrevende muziek, waarin bruggen geslagen worden tussen, ja, tussen wat eigenlijk niet.” – 3voor12’
“Met drie dagen aan risicovolle programmering blijft Rewire een van de spannendste festivals in Nederland om te bezoeken en bespreken.” – Gonzo (circus)
More details and full programme here