SPRING TOUR CANCELLED – Rescheduled for 3rd October – 11th November 2020.
An adult fairy tale full of sex and humour: Smetana’s comic opera Die Verkaufte Braut gets a contemporary new coat! Bride For Sale! is sung in a brand new Dutch adaptation of Anne Lichthart and thus the piece is stripped of the label ‘folkloric’ and gets the chance to be rediscovered as one of the most successful comedies of the opera repertoire.
The story can hardly be simpler. The girl Marshenka is dating the poor but handsome Jenik. Suddenly, the old marriage broker Kezal is at her parents’ doorstep. He pushes them an almost forgotten contract under the nose. In this contract, Marshenka’s father promises his daughter as a bride to Micha’s son in exchange for a large loan. If father Krushina breaks this contract, he will have to repay the loan in full…
Will Marshenka accept this? How does Jenik react to this? What about the new marriage candidate Vasek?