STET presents YOUR SEXTS ARE SHIT in The Hague & Utrecht

Your Sexts Are Shit: Older Better Letters is the new solo show from Rachel Mars. It is an intimate, funny, filthy and moving show that triangulates the sex and love letters of long dead artists, contemporary sexts and a meditation on the construction of the queer female body. What role does writing have in creating our sexual identity? How do we write ourselves and for whom? How have newer, faster communication methods changed the way we write desire?

The show features an array of letters from dead writers, artists and a monk. They include James Joyce, Frida Kahlo, Georgia O’Keeffe, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mozart and Radclyffe Hall. Mars brings the letters to the stage, accompanied by slides of footnotes providing background information about the writers and the context they were writing in. The show then focuses on a power-point of sexts sent to Mars by anonymous donation from platforms like WhatsApp, Grindr and good old text message. The final element is a deep dive into a personal narrative about how Mars writes her own female queer sexual desires.

Was at Theater aan het Spui in The Hague 15th & 16th June  2024 and Stadsschouwburg in Utrecht on 17th June