From 10th January.
A tiny project about big emotions
In this intimate dance performance you are going to travel through the world of two women. Through their grief they try to find and support each other. Together they look for a ritual, a dance, a ceremony of the heart to provide a form in which to express their grief. A raw and fiery physical presence alternates with fragile intimacy. The audience is witness to and a part of these paradoxical big emotions which in the end are transformed into one communal heartbeat.
In her sixth choreography – The Lost Art of Grief – Marie Goeminne examines her fascination for sorrow and the human experience of grief. Looking for the beauty and diversity of this intense feeling she attempts to create an awareness about the connecting and liberating power which this emotion can lead to. In this Marie was inspired by the work of the psychotherapist and soul-activist Francis Weller. In his work Weller encourages us to embrace the art of grief as he calls it.
Concept, choreography – Marie Goeminne i.s.m. de dansers
Performance – Maaike van de Westeringh en Lisa Kasman
Production – Artist Collective Kudde
Repetitor – Vivianne Rodrigues de Brito
Sound design – Elisa Battistutta
Projectmanagement – Rob Vugs
Marketing & PR – Hedwig van der Zwaal
Beeld – Jocelyne Moreau
Techniek – Raoul Beaten
Supported by Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and Stichting Stimuleringsfonds Rouw
17-dec. 2019/19.30 Studio-presentatie DansBrabant / Tiburg
10-jan. 2020/20.30 Première Korzo / Den Haag
07-feb. 2020/20.30 Café Belcampo / Amsterdam
07-maart 2020/ Tot Zover / Amsterdam
08-maart 2020/ Tot Zover / Amsterdam
12-maart 2020/20.00 Theater Kikker/ Utrecht
28-april 2020/ 20.30 Theater Bellevue / Amsterdam