TRUST by Kalpanarts at Korzo Theater in The Hague

12th October.

Do we dare to trust in a world of mistrust?

Trust unravels the complexity of trust in all its facets. Trust is at the core of our existence, determining our relationships and our outlook on life. But what does trust really mean? Do we dare to surrender to trust in a world where distrust often prevails?

Trust is danced by five dancers and is accompanied by the enchanting voice of Spanish singer Paloma Lazaro Arteaga. In breathtaking duets, the performers show how trust can be built, violated and regained, while taking the audience on a journey full of strength and vulnerability. The visually very attractive performance is completed thanks to a new composition by Simone Giacomini.

In Indian philosophy and society, trust is about letting go of the urge to want to control everything. It requires an inner journey, where you turn inward to discover your core and strength. Only in this way can you face the world with courageous steps and make informed choices. The Hindu concept of Maya, the veil of illusions, and the ‘six healing sounds meditation’ from Taoism, form the basis of the choreography.

Kalpanarts is a contemporary dance company with a colourful cast and supporters. With the company, choreographer Kalpana Raghuraman brings together Indian dance forms with urban and contemporary dance, resulting in a unique theatre form. Indian sources of inspiration are moulded and transformed. But other traditions and customs from other parts of the world can also be seen in Trust. Characteristic is the use of footwork, hand gestures and strong facial expression. Like a heartbeat, there is always a strong musical and rhythmic element present in the work.