Preview – Freedom under pressure in Belarus and Hungary – Two New Freedom Lectures
7th and 13th November.
Now that we are all restricted in our freedom, it is more urgent than ever to continue talking about the importance of freedom. Our Freedom Lecture speakers remind us again and again that freedom should not be taken for granted. Four times a year, De Balie invites freedom fighters to share their story. In November we welcome the Belarussian artists Tasha Arlova and Yauhen Attsetski and journalists Nasta Zakharevich and Caroline de Gruyter to discuss the struggle for freedom in Belarus. Veronika Munk, one of the key figures in the struggle for press freedom in Hungary, will also be giving a Freedom Lecture.
Both Freedom Lectures can be watched online for free via De Balie TV.
Saturday, 7th November at 8pm: The Freedom Lecture: Tasha Arlova
This evening, several voices will relate the story of the fight for freedom in Belarus. Belarussian artist Tasha Arlova will give the 31st Freedom Lecture, after which we will be joined by photographer Yauhen Attsetski and journalists Nasta Zakharevich and Caroline de Gruyter, with Jörgen Tjon a Fong to moderate the discussion. Zakharevich was recently detained for reporting on the protests against president Alexander Lukashenko. It will be an evening devoted to the freedom to protest, about the role that art can play in protests, and about the people’s ultimatum to Lukashenko who, according to unofficial polls, won just 3% of the votes at the last elections. Lukashenko has ruled the country with an iron hand since 1994.
From Friday 30 October to 7 November, Belarussian artists including Tasha Arlova will be exhibiting work in gallery and artists’ society Arti et Amicitiae; see Belarus // Art of Resistance. The images above are of works on display in this exhibition.
Saturday, 13th November at 8pm: The Freedom Lecture: Veronika Munk
Veronika Munk is one of the key figures in the struggle for press freedom in Hungary. As the deputy chief editor of Hungary Index, she joined seventy others in leaving this largest news website when it became impossible for her to pursue independent journalism. She is now in charge of a new platform: Telex. What can we learn from her experiences in a hostile media landscape, and what are her own sources of inspiration and hope? Media entrepreneur Derk Sauer and Euro parliamentarian Sophie in ‘t Veld will join us to discuss freedom in Hungary.