17th – 20th September.
After previous successful editions, De Balie and DutchCulture organize the Forum on European Culture for the third time from 17th to 20th September. During this 4-day festival international artists, thinkers and public come to Amsterdam to imagine a better future for Europe. This year the festival is titled We, the People. Join us for theatre, music, debate, films, food & drinks and a great line-up of contributors.
De Balie and DutchCulture proudly present the third edition of The Forum on European Culture. This year’s theme is We, The People.
Artists, thinkers and activists from around Europe will converge to examine the notion of a ‘European people’. The festival is held throughout Amsterdam as well as online, as a celebration of European art and culture, with theatre, music, lectures, films, photographs and dialogues.
Click here for full programme and information
18th September.
Revolution in Europe! Leaders of Europe’s most important activist movements (i.a. Yellow Vests, Sardines, Extinction Rebellion, Demosisto and Black Queer & Trans Resistance NL) exchange ideas during Forum on European Culture.
The Sardines took over the squares in Italy, the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) in France dominated the news and Extinction Rebellion’s artistic interventions got worldwide attention: protest movements swarmed capitals throughout Europe this year. What do they have in common and how do they continue to operate in a new reality? Can they shape Europe’s future, like protest movements have shaped Europe in the past? On Friday 18 September protest leaders come together during the Forum on European Culture to exchange ideas.
With i.a: Benjamin Roll (Million Moments for Democracy), Priscillia Ludosky (France, Yellow Vests), Mattia Santori (Sardines), Naomie Pieter (Black Queer & Trans Resistance NL), Wong Yik Mo (Demosisto) and Clare Farrell (Extinction Rebellion) we explore how protest movements give a voice to the Europeans who are not heard.
The programme will be moderated by Sophie Derkzen & livestreamed on www.debalie.nl.