Tonight’s Dille & Kamille free concert on the Markt definitely had the feel-good factor. Mala Sangre, four fiery Spanish girls singing as well as playing guitar, flute, bass guitars accompanied by a percussionist opened the concert. The spotted Flamenco dresses, the red flowers, the castanets were all present. The music was Flamenco but with a good dose of pop or rock. But the spirited delivery, the clapping, the occasional twirl of skirt ruffles and some foot-stomping got the crowd going. They were joined by Thomas Oliemans, director of this year’s festival, in a song with lyrics by Garcia Lorca – Oliemans’ huge, wonderful voice could probably be heard far and wide – fabulous.
The mood changed radically when Kyril Zlotnikov, founder of the Jerusalem Quartet, entered with an eighteenth century cello that was used for the first concert of Elgar’s Cello Concerto – his rendition of Gaspar Cassadò’s suite was a virtuoso performance which fascinated even the tiniest children sitting on the cobbles. Kyril Zlotnikov was followed by Jeannette Landré with a piece by Debussy that could have charmed the birds from the trees.
Next, cellist Floris Mijnders was joined by the young English double bass Ying Lai Green, both drawing a maximum from their instruments in the duet by Rossini in the Cello and Double Bass in D major.
To close the show, Mala Sangre returned to the stage. While two four-year-old busily picked out the moss from between the cobble stones and three tiny tots fought to dance with their father, the four Spanish artists delivered a rebel-rousing finale, this time with more dancing and an almost rap like finish. A good time was had by all, aided by the compering of the ever effervescent Francis Broekhuijsen who enthusiastically encouraged the audience with copious information about this excellent festival in which Thomas Oliemans has brought together musicians of a quality to make one’s eyes water. Astrid Burchardt 27th July 2019
Photo by and ©Astrid Burchardt
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