New European Ensemble will present four special programs in the autumn of 2021.
From 1st August the film Ships Vanishing in the Horizon, in honor of the 140th anniversary of Panorama Mesdag will be shown and on 25th September there will be a program featuring Swiss composer Jürg Frey. Starting on 27th October, the live premiere of 1984, based on the iconic novel by George Orwell, will tour and on 16th November the Strange News opening of the week around Amare, the brand new concert hall in The Hague that will open to the public in the autumn of 2021 .
Panorama Mesdag was opened 140 years ago and New European Ensemble presents Ships Vanishing online from 1st August
In honor of Panorama Mesdag’s birthday, New European Ensemble will present Ships Vanishing in the Horizon, every hour on 1st August from 12:00 pm, with music composed by the Basque composer Mikel Urquiza and played by the New European Ensemble.
On 25th September, New European Ensemble presents the world premiere of a new piece by Jürg Frey
New European Ensemble presents new work by and with the internationally beloved Swiss composer Jürg Frey; a comprehensive portrait of his ensemble music, including the world premiere of the work The Wind Moves Them. Jürg Frey is winner of the Swiss Oeuvre Prize 2021.
New European ensemble presents 1984 live from 27th October
A live tour through the Netherlands in 1984. The performance with actor Boris van der Ham and whistleblower Edward Snowden, who cooperates on film, is based on the iconic book by George Orwell. Estonian composer Mihkel Kerem wrote an award-winning new ensemble piece inspired by the novel that carries the performance. The 1984 premiere will be on 7th October 2021 in the Muziekgebouw in Amsterdam, after which a tour will follow in The Hague, Leiden, Groningen, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Enschede.
As part of WIJ Den Haag, the New European ensemble will present Strange News by Rolf Wallin and Josse de Pauw on 16th November in the opening week of Amare The ensemble collaborates with the International Criminal Court (ICC) to clarify connections between the piece and the court’s work. This is highly topical given the recent case against Ugandan warlord Dominic Ongwen. Strange News is a gripping interdisciplinary piece that focuses on the lives and fates of child soldiers in our time. Ugandan actor Arthur Kisenyi tells the story of a young child soldier, his experiences and his eventual return to a peaceful society. This story is illuminated with poignant and versatile music by the Norwegian composer Rolf Wallin. Film images illustrate the African context of the story. In addition to Strange News, NEuE presents new work by the composer Florentijn Boddendijk from The Hague, who is inspired by the importance of international criminal law.
New European Ensemble brings new music for new audiences
With this project, the New European Ensemble wants to emphasize the relevance of new music for society. With this, the ensemble continues its mission to present contemporary repertoire in a moving and accessible way for a wide audience.” For information the website of New European Ensemble for more info, dates and tickets: https://www.neweuropeanensemble.com
Thanks to: Fonds Podiumkunsten, Municipality of The Hague. Christmas fund.