Boom Chicago’s hysterical new comedy show, from 21st September, is a throwback to the 90s when the music was bouncy, the fashion was fun and any TV problem could be solved in a half an hour.
You know the sitcom format: a group of (beautiful) friends hung out in the same locations and got into realistically unrealistic situations. Cameras captured the action and the ‘live studio audience’ knew when to laugh, applause and go ooooh.
Boom Chicago celebrates the glory days of the 1990s from which these iconic sitcoms came! Come enjoy a simpler era of Friends, Seinfeld, het Zonnetje in Huis and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
In the process, we will try to figure out why these shows and the 90s have enduring appeal. Is it nostalgia for a simpler time before corona? Is it a nice escapism when everything resets each week to how it was? Or do we just lower standards? In any case Sitcom, like its 90s inspirations, will be a lot of fun.