Presented by STET, The English Theatre.
Smoky bubbles going up to the ceiling; bubbles that danced and had babies; hundreds of bubbles being turned into a crown on a small girl’s head; and at the end of it all, a good old-fashioned water-gun fight. What more could a kid want? Huffington Post
Louis Pearl has been thrilling audiences around the world for nearly 30 years with the art, magic, science and fun of bubbles. An Edinburgh Fringe Festival favourite, he has sold out every year since 2007. Louis explores the breath-taking dynamics of bubbles, combining comedy and artistry with audience participation and enough spellbinding bubble tricks to keep everyone mesmerized.
From square bubbles, bubbles inside bubbles, fog-filled bubbles, giant bubbles, bubble volcanoes, tornadoes and trampolines to people inside bubbles, the Amazing Bubble Man conjures shrieks of laughter and gasps of amazement from all ages.
The balletic creation of a vast array of bubble-based phenomena is accompanied by Jetty Swart on her flute, voice, and accordion.